Monday, May 31, 2010

Sharron Angle picks up momentum against Sue Lowden (Harry Reid-lite)

From KOH news in Nevada:

“Sharron Angle's campaign (, insertion mine) continues to pick up momentum as the campaign heads into the home stretch. She's launched a new campaign ad. Campaign cash is flowing toward Angle's campaign from various national groups, including the Club for Growth, and Tea Party Express.”

For your information Sue Lowden, “The Club for Growth” and “Tea Party Express” are NOT “Washington Special Interests”, as you suggested in one of your recent ads. These are grass routes PACs and have nothing to do with Washington. In fact, Washington wishes they would go away.

Continuing from KOH news:

“Sue Lowden's campaign manager is in ‘Full damage control mode (emphasis mine)’ as she struggles to be taken seriously, after numerous campaign gaffes. Robert Uithoven is firing back at Irma Aguirre, who says Lowden’s term as state GOP Chair ‘Tanked the Republican Party.’ Robert Uithoven even took a cheap shot at the former state party finance chair's private life. He also lashed out at Reno Mayor Bob Cashell, a Lowden supporter, who has labeled Lowden ‘Suicidal Sue’ for her numerous campaign flubs. In a combative interview on Nevada Newsmakers he also attacked Sharron Angle's record, trying to portray her as ‘Not a real conservative’ and calling her ‘the state's worst lawmaker during her term in the assembly.’”

Who’s “not a real conservative”? Here’s some illuminating information from Accountable America:

“Nevada politician Sue Lowden's casino corporation received a $29 million line of credit from her failed bank - a bank that was bailed out by U.S. and Nevada taxpayers…

“Sue and her husband Paul Lowden are top executives at Archon Corporation, a casino holding company. Paul Lowden is the President and CEO. Sue Lowden is the Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Archon…Sue Lowden was a founding member of the Commercial Bank of Nevada, which was acquired by Colonial Bank in 1998. She sat on the Board of Directors of Colonial Bank of Nevada until June 2009. While Colonial Bank was set to receive a $550 million bailout thanks to TARP, the bank failed before it received the funds. Soon after it failed, it was taken over by BB&T which received over $3.1 billion in taxpayer bailouts thanks to TARP. One day after BB&T took control over Colonial Bank, on August 18, 2009, it extended to the Lowden's casino company, Archon, a $29 million line of credit.”


Well, that explains why she won’t denounce bailouts…She is just more of the same. She and her husband have made 29 donations to various democrats including Harry Reid, and the DNC (see:, and search Lowden in Nevada). She is Harry Reid-lite or worse and Nevadans know it.

She hasn’t won a single GOP straw poll, while Sharron Angle has won every one.

The fact is, Sharron Angle ( can and will beat Harry Reid, but first she will beat Harry Reid-lite in Sue Lowden.

Sue Lowden's campaign in "Full Damage Control Mode"

From KOH news in Nevada:

“Sharron Angle's campaign (, insertion mine) continues to pick up momentum as the campaign heads into the home stretch. She's launched a new campaign ad. Campaign cash is flowing toward Angle's campaign from various national groups, including the Club for Growth, and Tea Party Express.”

For your information Sue Lowden, “The Club for Growth” and “Tea Party Express” are NOT “Washington Special Interests”, as you suggested in one of your recent ads. These are grass routes PACs and have nothing to do with Washington. In fact, Washington wishes they would go away.

Continuing from KOH news:

“Sue Lowden's campaign manager is in ‘Full damage control mode (emphasis mine)’ as she struggles to be taken seriously, after numerous campaign gaffes. Robert Uithoven is firing back at Irma Aguirre, who says Lowden’s term as state GOP Chair ‘Tanked the Republican Party.’ Robert Uithoven even took a cheap shot at the former state party finance chair's private life. He also lashed out at Reno Mayor Bob Cashell, a Lowden supporter, who has labeled Lowden ‘Suicidal Sue’ for her numerous campaign flubs. In a combative interview on Nevada Newsmakers he also attacked Sharron Angle's record, trying to portray her as ‘Not a real conservative’ and calling her ‘the state's worst lawmaker during her term in the assembly.’”

Who’s “not a real conservative”? Here’s some illuminating information from Accountable America:

“Nevada politician Sue Lowden's casino corporation received a $29 million line of credit from her failed bank - a bank that was bailed out by U.S. and Nevada taxpayers…

“Sue and her husband Paul Lowden are top executives at Archon Corporation, a casino holding company. Paul Lowden is the President and CEO. Sue Lowden is the Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Archon…Sue Lowden was a founding member of the Commercial Bank of Nevada, which was acquired by Colonial Bank in 1998. She sat on the Board of Directors of Colonial Bank of Nevada until June 2009. While Colonial Bank was set to receive a $550 million bailout thanks to TARP, the bank failed before it received the funds. Soon after it failed, it was taken over by BB&T which received over $3.1 billion in taxpayer bailouts thanks to TARP. One day after BB&T took control over Colonial Bank, on August 18, 2009, it extended to the Lowden's casino company, Archon, a $29 million line of credit.”


Well, that explains why she won’t denounce bailouts…She is just more of the same. She and her husband have made 29 donations to various democrats including Harry Reid, and the DNC (see:, and search Lowden in Nevada). She is Harry Reid-lite or worse and Nevadans know it.

She hasn’t won a single GOP straw poll, while Sharron Angle has won every one.

The fact is, Sharron Angle ( can and will beat Harry Reid, but first she will beat Harry Reid-lite in Sue Lowden.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

RedState’s Erick Erickson endorses Sharron Angle: Will Jim DeMint be next?

“Former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (, insertion mine) continued to show momentum by winning the endorsement of the Club for Growth, a conservative group that often opens deep pockets to its favored candidates…

Erick Erickson, RedState blogger and conservative CNN commentator, switched his endorsement from Danny Tarkanian, the former UNLV basketball star, to Angle, saying she is the most viable conservative alternative to front-runner Sue Lowden.”


Senator Jim DeMint’s endorsements sometimes follow Erickson’s, according to Matt Lewis: 

“But Erickson says it's only logical that he and DeMint would often come down on the same side in many races: "I think [DeMint] is more plugged into the grassroots than any of the other guys in Washington," he says. Erickson has also encouraged his readers to donate to endorsed candidates via DeMint's PAC.

Erickson implied to me -- and based on the chronological order of the endorsements, this rings true -- that DeMint may be taking his cues from RedState's endorsements, not the other way around.”


 Well, whether or not DeMint endorses Sharron, she is giving the insiders in the Nevada GOP a run for their money…

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Harry Reid wants to run against Sharron Angle

(Mark Levin: Why Liberals Want to Run Against Principled Conservatives--Then They Lose)

Right on, right on, Mark Levin!

“I think that I have the mainstream record,” said Angle (see, insertion mine), running in a tough GOP primary to take on Democratic Sen. Harry Reid, in an interview with The Daily Caller. “I think the silent majority, which is really represented by this Tea Party movement, has begun to speak (emphasis mine).” (from Daily Caller Article at’m-mainstream/)

You're darn right.

Sue Lowden receives endorsement from the gay community


A woman is known by the company she keeps...or the endorsements she receives. Interesting...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fact check: Sharron Angle voted for pay increases, crazy scientology program, Sue Lowden?

A new poll shows Sharron Angle ( in the lead in the Nevada Republican primary: Angle is at 29%, Lowden at 26%, and Tarkanian at 24%, followed by state Rep. Chad Christensen and businessman John Chachas at 5% each. The poll of likely GOP primary voters has a ±3.8% margin of error. (See:

Lowden is noticing, as she is running attack ads. She says Sharron “voted twice to raise her pay raise.”

The whole story is at:

“In 2001 Angle voted for AB606 which would have increased lawmakers' pay from $130 to $175 dollars a day. The bill passed 36 to 4 in the Assembly and died in the Senate. To be fair, any lawmaker would have had to run again and be elected to receive the raise, so it could be argued no one voting was directly raising their salary (emphasis mine).

In 2005 Angle voted to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot clearing the way for lawmakers to be paid for all 120 days of a session. Currently the pay stops after 60 days.

But on this point we'll have to say the ad's script is a misleading. The vote was not to raise anyone's salary. It was to put the question before the voters (which is what Sharron always did, given the opportunity, comment and emphasis mine).

The vote in the Assembly was unanimous. In the Senate, the only no votes came from 5 Democrats.

In any case the voters rejected the change.”

Lowden’s ad also claims that Sharron “pushed a bill favored by the Church of Scientology using tax dollars to give massages to prisoners”.

I’ve already posted about this, and here’s a summary:

This “controversy” surrounds the Second Chance program, a program for helping incarcerated substance abusers and reducing the recidivism rate. The facts on it can be found at:

Notice that the article mentions now deceased L. Ron Hubbard as follows, “The protocol utilized in the Second Chance Program is based on discoveries by L. Ron Hubbard in the fields of drug and criminal rehabilitation.” Scientology is not part of the program nor is it mentioned, but it is a cutting edge program that works.

It is a fact that Angle did not promote the Second Chance program in 2003 - only the option to explore its potential. The trip she took was a privately funded, and took place on a non-legislative working day. Legislators were invited to come on a voluntary basis, as reported in the Reno Gazette Journal in February 2003.

She did not propose legislation on the Second Chance program, or anything related to it.  See for yourself.  The 2003 legislative record can be found at:  

Furthermore, Sharron is a conservative Christian.

She has voted against over 100 tax increases. She even used her personal funds to defend Nevada’s constitutional 2/3 vote requirement to raise taxes, and the case was taken all the way to the US Supreme Court. As a result of the lawsuit (Angle vs. Guinn), the seven member Nevada Supreme Court was replaced through election defeat or retirement. The new court reversed the decision in 2007 restoring the Nevada Constitutional 2/3 provision. For her efforts, Sharron Angle received the Ronald Reagan Freedom Medallion for Courageous Client from the Claremont Institute in 2004.

In 2005, she was the single holdout on a property tax increase (headline: “Property Tax plan goes to Senate on 41-1 vote“, see: This bill split the property tax abatement by applying a 3% rate to residential and 8% rate to commercial property. The reason Sharron voted “no” was because the Nevada Constitution states that taxation must be uniform and equal and so could not vote against her oath of office to which she swore to "uphold and defend the Constitution".

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if political discourse could be based in reality, truth, policy, and ideas, instead of fabricated allegations, Sue Lowden?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Concerned Women for America Endorses Sharron Angle

Carson City, NV ( -- Nevada is the envy of other states as it faces the kind of problem pro-life advocates rarely see: two pro-life women facing off for the same political post. Today, Concerned Women for America's political action committee endorsed Sharron Angle (, insertion mine), but the Susan B. Anthony List is in Sue Lowden's corner.

(Life News, Sue Lowden IS NOT PRO-LIFE! I dropped my membership to SBA list because of this endorsement. As I’ve reported before in another post: She gave $8000 to Harry Reid over several election cycles and voted FOR abortion in 1990.

As Jon Ralston said in a 12/16/09 Las Vegas Sun article: “I can see the flip-flop ad in my mind’s eye, especially with the, ahem, abortion that was the 2008 state convention when she was chairman and her previous campaign contributions to Reid:

“’She was for abortion before she was against it…She was for Harry Reid before she was against him.’”

…and, “Lowden correctly states her actual voting record — she has never cast a vote in favor of abortion rights — except for that 1990 vote for the abortion rights referendum.” See:

“Concerned Women PAC endorses Sharron Angle because she stands resolutely on the issues, such as family values, protection of the unborn," Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women PAC, said. "Sharron provides the clearest contrast to liberal Harry Reid.”

"There was never any question that Sharron was the most experienced and proven conservative in the race,” Nance adds. “Now there are polls that show Sharron can win her Primary June 8th and beat Harry Reid in November (emphasis mine)."


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Club for Growth Endorses Sharron Angle

From NBC's Domenico Montanaro:

“It looks like "Chicken-gate" may have come too early for Democrats.
The Club for Growth endorsed former state Rep. Sharron Angle (, insertion mine) in the GOP Senate primary in Nevada.

The frontrunner has been former state Republican party chairwoman Sue Lowden. But her comments about bartering chickens as a form of health care have made Republicans think twice about her potential strength against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), one of the most endangered incumbents left this cycle.

Lowden's lead has dropped in polling. A May 10-11 Mason-Dixon poll showed Lowden leading Angle and Danny Tarkanian 30%-25%-22%. But that is a big drop from a month earlier when the same poll showed Lowden leading Tarkanian and Angle, 45%-27%-5%.

“Sharron Angle is everything a pro-growth, limited-government, economic conservative can be, and everything Washington and the country need right now,” Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said in a statement. “She was the undisputed fiscal conservative leader in the Nevada State Assembly, and she has the courage and skill to step into the same role in the U.S. Senate (emphasis mine). Sharron Angle is the true economic conservative in the Nevada Senate race, a candid, common-sense leader with the courage to stand up against liberal big spenders in both parties. Sharron is Harry Reid’s worst nightmare, and Nevada’s best hope. Her courageous, honest style and principled leadership will do more good in six years in the Senate than Reid’s corrupt backroom deals and trillion-dollar boondoggles could in a lifetime (emphasis mine).”


Right on, right on, Club for Growth! You’ve got the right Angle!

Hey, Fox and Friends, do you still think she should drop out? How do you like her now?

Go to and make your own endorsement!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sharron Angle vs. Scientology

Desperate people say desperate things. Lowden and Tarkanian have dropped in the polls and they have both turned to the desperate attack – now accusing Sharron of being a scientologist.

The fact is that Sharron is a Christian, not only which I know from personal experience (and I’ve known her for 15 years), but which was also reported in depth in the following article:

This “controversy” surrounds the Second Chance program, a program for helping incarcerated substance abusers. The facts on it can be found at:

The Second Chance Program was a success in New Mexico in 2007: "For the first time, we're actually diverting serious substance abusers from jails and prisons into a facility that gives them what they need to turn their lives around," says Westrum. "Since the cost is equal to or less than what the state would spend to house the inmates, everyone wins. With the low recidivism rate, taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for future incarcerations, and the prisoners have been trained and empowered to lead successful and rewarding lives."

Notice that the article mentions now deceased L. Ron Hubbard as follows, “The protocol utilized in the Second Chance Program is based on discoveries by L. Ron Hubbard in the fields of drug and criminal rehabilitation.” Scientology is not part of the program nor is it mentioned, but it is a cutting edge program that works.

It is a fact that Angle did not promote the Second Chance program in 2003 - only the option to explore its potential. The trip she took was a privately funded, and took place on a non-legislative working day. Legislators were invited to come on a voluntary basis, as reported in the Reno Gazette Journal in February 2003.

She did not propose legislation. The facts on the supposed legislation are at Click on the link and look at the 2003 legislative session. You will find that there was never a bill requested by Angle for any prison drug rehab program, there was never any appropriation requested by Angle.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if political discourse could be based in reality, truth, policy, and ideas, instead of fabricated allegations?

Sharron Angle: A conservative Christian, Not a Scientologist

Desperate people say desperate things. Lowden and Tarkanian have dropped in the polls and they have both turned to the desperate attack – now accusing Sharron of being a scientologist.

The fact is that Sharron is a Christian, not only which I know from personal experience (and I’ve known her for 15 years), but which was also reported in depth in the following article:

This “controversy” surrounds the Second Chance program, a program for helping incarcerated substance abusers. The facts on it can be found at:

The Second Chance Program was a success in New Mexico in 2007: "For the first time, we're actually diverting serious substance abusers from jails and prisons into a facility that gives them what they need to turn their lives around," says Westrum. "Since the cost is equal to or less than what the state would spend to house the inmates, everyone wins. With the low recidivism rate, taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for future incarcerations, and the prisoners have been trained and empowered to lead successful and rewarding lives."

Notice that the article mentions now deceased L. Ron Hubbard as follows, “The protocol utilized in the Second Chance Program is based on discoveries by L. Ron Hubbard in the fields of drug and criminal rehabilitation.” Scientology is not part of the program nor is it mentioned, but it is a cutting edge program that works.

Further, it is a fact that Angle did not promote the Second Chance program in 2003 - only the option to explore its potential. The trip she took was a privately funded, and took place on a non-legislative working day. Legislators were invited to come on a voluntary basis, as reported in the Reno Gazette Journal in February 2003.

She did not propose legislation. The facts on the supposed legislation are at Click on the link and look at the 2003 legislative session. You will find that there was never a bill requested by Angle for any prison drug rehab program, there was never any appropriation requested by Angle.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if political discourse could be based in reality, truth, policy, and ideas, instead of fabricated allegations?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sharron Angle endorsed by Las Vegas Tribune, a true fiscal conservative, rising in polls

Sharron ( was endorsed by the Las Vegas Tribune over the weekend. Here are some excerpts:

“It is now official: we are endorsing Sharron Angle for the position of US Senate that is occupied today by Senator Harry Reid.

Sharron Angle is, in our opinion, the best choice for that position and we think that her impeccable record will be an asset to represent Nevada in the nation's capital as our next United States Senator for Nevada.

…Sharron Angle is the only candidate that had requested to sit with the newspaper that reaches the masses, the working people, the people that are in need of being heard by those who are going to represent the people of Nevada in the nation's capital.

…Our choice is made on merit and is done on the record created by Sharron Angle as a conservative assemblywoman for four terms. After meeting with Ms. Angle on three different occasions and listening to her speak, we believe she is the best choice.

We agree with Ms. Angle when she says, “Don't read my lips, read my record!” Her record is clean and she is honest.

She does not use double-talk; she does not hesitate when she is going to answer any question, and she does not change her opinion or her mind to please the crowd she is facing (emphasis mine).

We are proud to endorse Sharron Angle for the US Senate seat that has been occupied by Harry Reid for the last three decades.”


She’s rising in the polls, too:

“Longtime GOP frontrunner Sue Lowden and longtime runner-up Danny Tarkanian are suddenly foundering.A new poll shows Sue Lowden clinging to a 30% lead over Tea Party Republican Sharron Angle, who has surged to 25% while Danny Tarkanian has collapsed to 22%.”

…Even more importantly perhaps, Sharron Angle has not spent her money, relying heavily on a boots-on-the-ground campaign. Lowden and Tarkanian have spent $1,903,316 and $836,717 respectively while Angle has spent only $395,804.

As a result of her stinginess and reliance on her boots on the ground, Angle has a cash on hand advantage of $430,545 to less than $300,000 for her rivals.

So, she is poised to hit the airwaves to coincide with her surge.

A huge upset might be brewing in Nevada.”

Not might be brewing. IS BREWING.


How’s that for fiscal conservatism? She quite literally walks the talk. “Boots-on-the-ground” means Sharron walks much of the state HERSELF, and most of her staff are volunteers. How do I know this? Because I helped her walk her district during one of her campaigns for Assemblywoman when I lived in Nevada. There is no substitute for passion.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Tea Party Group Endorses Sharron Angle: Western Representation PAC Endorses Angle for Senate

“Yet another group has announced it is backing Conservative Republican Sharron Angle ( in her campaign for U.S. Senate to Defeat Harry Reid.

The Western Representation PAC, a conservative group that has been active in the Nevada tea party movement, announced today they are endorsing Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate in Nevada.

The group runs The Campaign to Defeat Harry Reid, which enjoys more than 11,000 supporters. They explained their endorsement of Sharron Angle in a release saying:

‘Over the last several months we have watched and interviewed every major candidate running to defeat Harry Reid in November's Nevada Senate election. We have looked hard at each candidate's current platform as well as their past record. We find things we like about other candidates but our search keeps leading us to the same name as the best candidate to represent the people of Nevada: Sharron Angle.’

…‘Many people had predicted the group would endorse Sue Lowden, and a recent candidate's forum put on by the Western Representation PAC was derided as a supposed fundraiser for Lowden. But the truth is the momentum in this race is clearly with the Conservative Republican challenger, Sharron Angle, and not with any of the establishment candidates in the race,‘ said Bryan Shroyer, Political Director for the Tea Party Express.”


Right on, Western Representation PAC! Right on! You’ve got the right Angle!

This adds to Sharron’s 25+ list of CONSERVATIVE endorsers (see:, including Gun Owners of America, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Minuteman PAC, Pat Boone, Mark Levin, Eagle Forum, Change the Congress in 2010, Nevada Concerned Citizens, etc., etc. etc.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Change the Congress in 2010 Federal PAC, Pat Boone Endorse Sharron Angle

Change the Congress in 2010 Federal PAC informed the Sharron Angle campaign ( today that they are withdrawing their support for Sue Lowden and instead endorsing Sharron Angle. (Susan B. Anthony List would be wise to do the same).

Adding to her growing list of endorsements, Pat Boone also gave his support today:

…Boone, a famous singer and actor, is also well known as a political writer and commentator willing to tackle the tough conservative issues that matter to America.

“I know a real conservative when I meet one,” said Boone when asked to talk about his endorsement for the former 4-term Republican lawmaker. “I was there helping Ronald Reagan when he ran for Governor in California, and I followed him all the way to the White House. Today, I’m getting behind another Reagan-conservative, this time from Nevada. Her name is Sharron Angle, and she is the proven consistent conservative in this race who can retire Harry Reid and send him back to Searchlight to pound sand.”

Boone said that Nevadans enjoy a prime opportunity during the June 8th Nevada primary to elect a bona fide conservative capable of defeating Reid, someone with the moral fiber and determination to clean up the messes in Washington, D.C.

“Nevada cannot afford to elect a Republican who is watered-down or unproven,” Boone emphasized. “Nevada has the opportunity to elect a real Republican who is battle-tested, someone we know who is capable and willing to stand up for what’s right for our country. Sharron Angle is that person; she has a rock-solid record that conservatives can trust. That is why I am proud to support Sharron Angle for United States Senate, and I ask you to stand with me and support Sharron Angle as well.”

Angle Spokesperson Jerry Stacy said the campaign was delighted to have Pat Boone join with others from a broad-base of more than twenty state and nation-wide conservative organizations and individualswho have chosen Angle over all other Republicans in the race, including Minutemen PAC, Gun Owners of America, Joe the Plumber, Nevada Concerned Citizens, Tea Party Express, Phyllis Schlafly, Nevada Republican Assembly, Citizens United, Veterans in Politics, radio host Mark Levin, and several more.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Minuteman PAC endorses Sharron Angle, Straw Poll Shows Her Ahead in GOP Primary

Minuteman PAC Honorary Chairman Chris Simcox, announced the PAC's full endorsement of Sharron Angle ( to replace Sen. Harry Reid. Simcox declared, “In a race that pits conservative Sharron Angle against establishment moderates with egregious records and positions concerning national security and sovereignty, our endorsement for Angle is really a no-brainer.”

Minuteman PAC cited recent polls in the state showing growing support for Angle's tough stance against amnesty and illegal immigration. Simcox continued, “With GOP moderates serving as the johnny-come-lately candidates, we need a champion for border security who's stood the test of time even when it wasn't popular. Sharron Angle is that candidate for Nevada.” Minuteman PAC is an independent Political Action Committee of the Minuteman Movement, including the rapidly-growing Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), formerly under the leadership of Chris Simcox. Sharron Angle has been endorsed by nearly twenty state and national conservative individuals and organizations including talk show host Mark Levin, the Tea Party Express, Gun Owners of America, Nevada Homeschool Network, Veterans in Politics and Phyllis Schlafly.


And, likely voters are starting to endorse her as well. A recent straw poll of likely voters in Nevada showed her ahead of the pack of GOP challengers:

U.S. Senate:
Angle 27.1%
Chachas 21.3%
Christensen 10.6%
Lowden 16.1%
Tarkanian 24.9%



About Me

I am a citizen journalist, wife to Bill, and Mommy to Charlotte and Cheyenne. I work at a chemical company writing Material Safety Data Sheets and own a small business on the side. I started this blog to "sound the alarm" on what is happening in this country with respect to the assault on our freedoms, and because I was called to do it: Ezekiel 33:1-5: "The word of the LORD came to me: 'Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: 'When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.'"